Death Valley
The boyfriend, the dog and myself went to Death Valley over the weekend. I had no idea what I was in store for. I only knew I had never been and was in the mood for an adventure.
OH. MY. GOODNESS! Death Valley is BEAUTIFUL! The view took my breath away in the very same way Big Sur did the first time I visited, driving up highway 1. Every turn smacked my senses silly. This is a different kind of beauty, of course. It almost feels, at times, like you are driving on a completely different planet. And there is so much to see! Mysterious moving boulders, amazing sunsets, a volcano, ancient Indian petroglyphs, the lowest elevation in the U.S.A., ghost towns, cute bars, creepy casinos, the Amargosa Opera House that feels like something out of a David Lynch film, scenic drives that look like Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland, I mean, I could go on. We will have to rent an off-roading vehicle to see some of the most spectacular sites, but here are a few photos I took driving along highway 190.